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Heart valve surgery is an open heart surgery that is done to repair or change the damaged valves. Valve surgery is needed when the blood in the valves do not flow properly. There are 4 valves in your heart:- Aortic valve Mitral valve Tricuspid valve Pulmonic valve Out of these valves, some can only be repaired and some can only be replaced like aortic valve is generally replaced and mitral valve is generally repaired. On the other hand, tricuspid valve and pulmonic valve are rarely repaired or replaced. In this surgery, valve is repaired so that it can work better. This surgery is

In this hectic lifestyle, almost everyone is stressed out due to some or the other reason. Stress is normal most of the times and in fact it serves a useful purpose of motivation in various phases of your life like promotion in your job, doing better in sports etc. If stress persists for longer duration of time then it can pose threat for your health and family life. Stress is mainly divided into two parts: Acute Stress and Chronic Stress. Acute stress is for short-term like you react to an immediate threat which can be in the form of noise,

Heart diseases also known as cardiovascular diseases are responsible for huge number of deaths every year not only in India but also abroad. In this medical condition, the heart vessels of the patient get narrow or blocked due to which blood flow through them is restricted. This leads to heart attack which if not treated immediately can prove to be life-threatening. Heart diseases also include those health conditions of the person in which his heart muscles, rhythm of the heart, valves etc are affected. Majority of the heart problems can be treated or prevented by making lifestyle changes but a

There are many surgeries which are performed in heart diseases; open heart surgery is one of them. In open heart surgery, the chest is cut open and work with muscles, valves. The open heart surgery is required in coronary artery bypass grafting. The CABG gives culmination in providing the oxygen and blood which makes the heart muscles tight and thick. And this disease is called as hardening of the arteries. Procedure of the surgery: As per the doctors, the process of operation is very sensitive so they need to be prepared to face such challenges. In the starting anesthesia is given to

For a healthy body, you need healthy heart. It is the factory of your body which keeps you on the go always. Therefore, you must take special care of your heart. Bringing some changes in your lifestyle is enough to keep your heart at healthy condition. And you don’t need to put much effort for that. Let’s see how you can pamper your heart to keep it active - Quit Smoking- Not just one everyday or every week, just quit it. Smoking is one of the killer reasons of cardiovascular diseases. Not only your heart, but this habit also have dangerous effects

As time is changed and improved technology by finding the easiest way whether it is normal life or health. That was also a time when heart operation required opening the full area with big invasive. But now the time has been changed and found the way of cardiac surgery with minimally invasive. The minimally invasive is very easy way to get the medication with less pain. Such type of surgery depends on the diseases and doctor’s choice. The advantages of the surgery: There are many benefits of the Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery but it depends on the doctor. Bleeding issue: It is obvious that

Pain at your chest is not always due to gastric problem; maybe your heart is sending warning signs. You can’t avoid any symptoms at the first rate and consult and cardiologist for proper treatment. According to medical science, any difficulty in heart muscle because of low blood supply lead to heart attack. Heart attack or any heart diseases can be fatal if you don’t consult a doctor immediately. Here are the signs of heart attack- Chest Discomfort- This is the most common symptom of heart attack. If you feel sudden discomfort in the middle of your chest and it suddenly

Heart Valve plays the precious role in the body to flow the blood accurately and functioning properly. Four valves are found in the heart which works different to supply the blood in body. Mostly the valve diseases are tracked from the birth. But it is not compulsory many old or young ages are also suffering from such issue. Mitral valve prolapse: The diseases crop up when the mitral valve stops working and also such diseases push the blood flow in left atrium. In such diseases, patient does not need to worry because it is repaired with a surgery. There is no any

Alcohol has bad relationship with heart; mostly people are suffering heart diseases due to excess drinking and smoking. When the heart gets failed then sometime situation demands for heart surgery or if someone has heart problem since childhood then also doctor recommends for the surgery. Whenever your heart needs surgery for running well then you must be loyal with your doctor before the operation. People don’t share the history of alcohol because they think doctors will avoid good treating. But it is the big misunderstanding; in actual your doctor must have knowledge of your habits of having alcohol, thus they