Exercising for a Healthy Heart
Heart is a muscular organ in humans. It gets stronger and healthier by daily exercise. Taking a walk for 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference. Exercise is not only good for our physical fitness but it also helps in keeping our heart healthy. Benefits of daily exercise: Burns calories Decreases blood pressure Decreases cholesterol (LDL) Increases cholesterol (HDL). Boost happiness levels. Learn to set and achieve goals. Natural reduction of risk of heart disease. Better sleep. Energy boost up. Increase strength and flexibility. Improvement in the memory. Increase self-confidence. Importance of the exercise: Helps to prevent diseases. Improvement in
An Overview Of Heart Valve Disease
The situation when one or more than one heart valve does not functions properly refers to the heart valve dieses or disorder. The human heart consists of 4 valves: Tricuspid Pulmonary Mitral Aortic valve The above 4 valves also had flap of tissues which altogether with heart beat opens and closes. The major role of these flaps is to ensure that the blood is flowing in the direction which is right. The blood flows from the 4 chambers of the heart to rest of the body. Causes- due to some by birth defect or changes relating to age, any kind of infection or
Overview on Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
Paediatric Cardiac Surgery is performed to repair the heart faults in children. Basically this surgery is done to repair the heart related fault in new born baby. Surgery is only recommended when rest all other treatments fail to show effective result. Paediatric Cardiac surgery is performed to repair heart defects in a new born child. The surgery is required for the wellbeing of the child. There are several types of heart defects. They can be divided into minor and major or serious defaults. The fault can be inside the heart or in the large blood vessels, i.e. exterior of the heart. You
Blood Clot Definition And Facts
Blood has an apparently incredible task. Usually it flows uninterruptedly and smoothly throughout our body for complete lifetime, but quickly shut off to avoid leaks when we get any kind of cut or injury. Blood clots can be said healthy and many a times lifesaving when they stop bleeding. But they can be formed unnecessarily when they aren’t needed and can cause a heart attack, stroke, or other serious health related problems. How Does Blood Clot? The life cycle of a normal blood clot is dependent on a sequence of chemical interactions. Some of them include: Reactions stop its growth. Other proteins counterbalance additional clotting factor proteins so
Dr. S. K. Sinha operated a MVR Patient with small Incision
Dr. S. K. Sinha operated a MVR patient with small incision.
Improve Your Daily Heart Functioning
Truly speaking heart is one of the most hardworking elements in our body, pumping approximately 8 gallons of blood in a minute. So decreased heart function can lead to congestive heart failure, where the heart muscle loses strength and eventually stops. Your heart is not functioning properly if you have following symptoms like Feeling tired most of the time Legs and lungs have fluid Trouble in breathing Feel dizzy and weak Irregular heartbeats But fortunately, you can improve the function of the heart by healthy heart diet, exercising and making necessary changes to your lifestyle. Heart Healthy Diet Try eating fish twice a
Heart Disease in Women
Nowadays, everyone is living a very stressful life due to which they come under the risk of many diseases. There are some diseases whose threat is generally faced by women. Heart attack is one of them. According to a survey report. Several women face the threat of heart disease. But awareness of symptoms and risks causing heart attack can reduce the chance of heart disease among women. There is a general thought among people that heart disease is the common problem for men, but it is the most common cause of death for women. Thus every woman must be aware of
Healthy Habits For Healthy Heart
Heart is a very important organ of your body that pumps blood and supplies it to all body parts. Any problem that disrupts the functioning of heart can lead to severe consequences. People generally take their heart for granted and they hardly pay any attention to maintain its good health. As a result of this, severe heart problems are caused and some of them are even life-threatening. Therefore, it is important that you take good care of your heart in you want to live a healthy and happy life. There are certain important healthy habits which everyone should follow in
Patient from Ethiopia operated by Dr. Sinha for CABG
A patient from Ethiopia operated by Dr. Sinha for CABG
Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement done by Dr. S.K Sinha
Patient operated for Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement by Dr. S.K Sinha.