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Healthy Habits For Healthy Heart

Healthy Habits for healthy heart

Healthy Habits For Healthy Heart

Heart is a very important organ of your body that pumps blood and supplies it to all body parts. Any problem that disrupts the functioning of heart can lead to severe consequences. People generally take their heart for granted and they hardly pay any attention to maintain its good health. As a result of this, severe heart problems are caused and some of them are even life-threatening. Therefore, it is important that you take good care of your heart in you want to live a healthy and happy life. There are certain important healthy habits which everyone should follow in order to maintain good health of the heart, such as:

Regular exercise

Heart is that muscle of your body that needs to stay active all the time so that you can remain healthy. For this, one should do regular workout. Cardiovascular exercises must be done at least 150 minutes in a week along with strength training twice a week. Relaxing exercises can be done once a week. You must also do Yoga as it helps in breathing and improves your patience level as well as relaxes your mind.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

It is important to include fruits and vegetables in your diet as it helps in keeping your heart healthy. It is seen that eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps in reducing heart problems. You should also aim to eat colourful fruits & veggies everyday as they are cardio-protective, which means, they are full of antioxidants. These colours help protect your arteries and blood vessels from the bad effects of cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood glucose and other harmful things. Try to include a variety of colours in your daily diet as this will prove to be very helpful for you.

Improve your carbohydrate intake

Many people are not able to accomplish the daily need of carbohydrates in their diet and this leads to bad health of the heart. Therefore, it is important you improve your carbohydrate intake by opting for starchy vegetables, intact whole grains, beans and lentils.

Intake of Omega-3 supplement

You must take Omega-3 supplements in your daily diet that comprises of salmon, sardines and herring. This greatly helps in reducing your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Cut down your salt

You should reduce the intake of salt to avoid heart problems. Also keep a check on your other food items like bread, cereals etc. as they too have different quantity of salt in them.

You must follow these healthy habits to keep your heart in best of condition.