Vascular problems you should be careful about
You don’t need meeting a vascular specialist in Delhi to understand significance of a healthy vascular system. Your body has a web of blood vessels that transport oxidized blood throughout your body. It starts from lungs where oxygen is mixed into blood and pumps into the vessels that allow the blood to travel to vital organs and every cell and tissue.
The point here is that a healthy vascular system is mandatory for a healthy body and mind. Also, you should be careful about the problems that could affect your vascular system. For example, take atherosclerosis that is buildup of a fatty substance inside the arteries leading to slowing down of blood flow to vital organs like heart.
Common vascular problems
Coronary artery disease: It is narrowing of arteries going towards the heart. Caused by atherosclerosis, this problem can lead to heart failure in severe cases. Top vascular surgeons in Delhi suggest that people should be very careful about this problem as it sometimes shows no symptom of a heart attack.
Cerebrovascular disease: It is a brain stroke caused due to disruption of blood supply to a part of brain. But it remains for a short period like 5 minutes or for a maximum time of 24 hours. The good thing is you can recover fully from a stroke but you won’t have any symptoms prior to stroke.
Peripheral vascular disease: It happens when blood flow to limbs is restricted and the risk associated with this problem is of heart failure. While most people experience no symptoms of this disease, some people experience pain in the lower limbs while walking or exercising. Since this problem could be serious, you should visit a vascular surgeon in Delhi in case, you have the problem.
Thoracic aortic aneurysm: It is bulging on the wall of a blood vessel and aortic aneurysm is formation of bulge in an important artery that passes through the chest. Aorta is the largest vessel that carries blood from heart to other body parts. Symptoms associated with this disease include severe pain in the chest.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: Here the aneurysm occurs in the abdomen and it is called a silent killer as it forms no symptoms. Patients could experience pain in the abdomen or groin area. In this case, severe pain is seen as a rupture of an aneurysm and it could be life-threatening. And it demands the attention of the best vascular surgeon in Delhi NCR.