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When a mitral valve is severely diseased it can lead to many complications like heart failure and associated symptoms such as shortness of breath and heart enlargement. The most common diseases are a leaky mitral valve also known as mitral regurgitation and tight mitral valve commonly known as mitral stenosis. Mitral valve surgery is a process that is performed either to repair or replace the mitral valve present in the heart. In normal heart the blood flows from lungs and enters a pumping chamber of heart called the left atrium. After which the blood finally enters the left ventricle which is also

After the minimally invasive heart surgery you will be moved to the recovery area or the ICU (intensive care unit), where all your vitals will be closely watched. From ICU you are most likely shift to regular room or to special care unit.  The hospital stay after minimally invasive heart surgery varies from person to person, but often 5 to 7 days are there in the hospital. After the surgery When you first walk up you might feel unsteady, thirsty or cold. If the breathing tube is still in place you won’t be able to talk. You will find flexible tubes in your chest

Coronary Artery Bypass grafting surgery involves opening the chest impermanent govern the blood through a heart-lung machine, which takes care of circulation during the heart is cooled, stopped, and repaired. Blockages in the coronary arteries are bypassed by collecting a blood vessel from elsewhere in the body and patching it against the coronary artery so as to reroute the blood flow around the blockage. A single time the repair is complete, the heart is warmed and restarted, and the chest is closed. An order to fix different heart problems of a patient, medical science has come up with numerous types of