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Rheumatic heart disease is a circumstance in which the heart valves have been enduringly damaged by rheumatic fever. The heart valve damage starts with a delayed or no treatment of the strep infection. In some cases, strep throat also called scarlet fever which is caused by the streptococcus bacteria can progress to rheumatic fever when it is not treated properly.  Rheumatic heart disease is caused by rheumatic fever, which is an inflammatory disease that affects more than one connective tissue like heart, joints or brain. The symptoms of this disease change over the course of time. The symptoms that you might

Heart attack and the heart failure both are forms of heart disease. This is the common fact between them. However, they also differ in many ways. Mostly the heart attack happens when one of the arteries leading to heart gets blocked and cuts off the blood flow. Without oxygen, the heart muscles start dying. Heart failure on the other hand usually develops progressively. The heart muscle becomes weaker due to which they become incapable to pump oxygen-enriched blood to all parts of the body. This is a chronic condition and generally gets worse with time.  However, with the help of medications,

When you cut your finger with a knife while cutting an onion, and blood is beginning to flow, slowly at the first and rapidly afterward. You clean the site and apply pressure. Soon the bleeding stops and you apply a bandage. Whether you realize or not but a clot has formed. Blood clotting is preventing the blood from flowing. Blood clotting is a natural process without it; you can be at a great risk of bleeding to death from a simple cut. Blood clots are healthy and lifesaving when they stop bleeding. But they can also form when they aren’t needed

An arrhythmia is a problem of heart either with rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During the arrhythmia the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. When the heart beat is faster than the normal it is called tachycardia. A heart beat that is too slow is called bradycardia. Most arrhythmia are harmless, but some can be serious or even life threatening. When the heart rate is too fast, too slow, or irregular the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to all the parts of the body. Lack of blood flow can damage

The vascular diseases include disorder of the circulatory system including blood vessels, the arteries and veins (excluding the heart). Doctors who treat people with blood vessel disorder have many options including medication, mechanical devices, catheters and balloon induced through small skin incision and surgical procedure. The main focus of the treatment is to keep the vessels open and working and in doing so it prevents stroke, le cramping, le amputation and rupture of aneurysms. Vascular surgery is indicated when the patients has vascular disease that cannot be treated by less invasive non-surgical treatments. The main purpose of vascular surgery is to

We all have seen that dramatic scene where man gasps clutches his chest and falls to the ground but in reality, the time when actual heart attack strives the scene may not be that dramatic. In a woman, there are no classic heart symptoms as found in the men like crushing pain in the chest that radiates down one arm of the person. In case of the women, there are many vague or even “silent” symptoms which they generally miss to notice. Following are the common six heart attack symptoms in women: Pain in the chest or discomfort. Chest pain is

Health issues are the most irritated part of life not only a person suffers but also the surrounding of that people also faces the crisis. One of the most painful diseases is Coronary Artery Disease. This disease is also known as the heart disease. Millions of people are affected by this disease. This condition arises with the development of the plaque in arteries. The damage to the blood vessels can cause blocking or clotting. The build-up of plaque can cause narrowing of arteries thus limiting the blood flow. This could cause the heart attack to chest pain or sometimes death; late