Marching on spot during transfers bed to chair Commence walking short distances – eg bed to bathroom
Nursing staff will assist you with your shower once your drains are removed today
Day 3
Increasing numbers of short walks around ward – eg patient bed to nursing station. Ensure good rests between them
Day 4
Begin laps of the corridor – from bed to end of building, then to the cross corridor at the end of Ward and back to bed. 5 times over the day. Eg 2 walks in morning, 2 walks in afternoon and 1 walk in evening.
If able, then in discussion with the doctor and the physiotherapist you may commence circuits of the ward.
You can take a shower by afternoon with some assistance.
Day 5
Commence circuits of ward – around the centre block of the ward and back to bed
Your physiotherapist will take you on a flight of stairs, taking your pulse before and after. Do not attempt stairs prior to this
Day 6
Discharge day – commence outpatient walking program of 30 minutes a day (as described in this booklet)