We understand that this can be an extremely worrying time for you and your family.
- On the day of the operation please do whatever feels comfortable. Some people choose to stay at the hospital others go home to wait. Some may prefer the prayer room on the 6th Floor.
- After surgery one close family member may visit the patient in the ICU. There is no need to wait for the anaesthetics to wear off.
- As well as the ventilator there are various other machines around the bedside, such as the monitor, blood testing equipment and a warmer. Most of these equipments have safety alarms, which are set by the Doctors / Nurses according to the needs of each patient. These alarms are generally set within quite fine limits and so it is not unusual for them to ‘beep’ on occasions without there being any serious problem. This is particularly so as the patient starts to wake from the anaesthetic, they start to breath for themselves and the heart rate and blood pressure rise as they become more aware of their surroundings. We advise those who are visiting not to be alarmed by these sounds. If there is a real problem you will be told of what is happening.
- There will be times when you are asked to wait before being allowed to visit – any inconvenience is regretted but we hope you will realize that the procedures being performed are vitally important and cannot be delayed or postponed when visitors arrive.
- Discuss with your Surgeon or Intensivist any fears, worries or concerns you may have. Encourage the patient to do the same.
- Keep in mind that the patient will be very tired for some time and a constant stream of visitors can increase this fatigue. You may wish to advise family and friends of this.