The following is a list of temporary symptoms some people notice following heart surgery. We mention these to avoid your surprise should they occur. They will usually return to normal as you recover.
- Vivid Dreams: These may seem very real and different to normal dreams.
- Sleeplessness: Is very common and this can and often does continue on discharge from hospital for a duration varying for weeks to even a few months. Sometimes sleeping in a recliner chair may help.
- Tiredness: You will need to balance activities with appropriate rest time. The usual recommendation is rest in bed for an hour after breakfast and for at-least two hours after lunch.
- Mood swings: May be up and down after the operation. This is common especially around day three or four post surgery.
- Night Sweats: these too are noticed around the 3rd or 4th day after surgery. They are a normal occurrence if not associated with feeling unwell or a fever. If you develop a fever you will need to report this to your doctor immediately. These usually go away by the time you leave the hospital.
- Reduced ability to concentrate: This too may last for several days to weeks and at times even months after surgery.
- An Irregular Heartbeat: This will be treated with medication or with an electric shock by your doctor. Mostly it is harmless and should not be a source of worry.
- Constipation: If this occurs please talk to your nurse or doctor, as this needs to be treated.